From MVP to complex applications I can travel into the heart of your business and implement any vision.
I am a Software Engineer, Full Stack Developer, Linux Server Administrator and Blockchain enthusiast.
I am a long time PHP Laravel developer, with this framework since version 3. Most of my projects are made with Laravel 4, and now I am working with Laravel 5.
Besides familiarity with Laravel internals (architecture, patterns, facades, providers…), I have advanced understanding of framework request/response cycle, and Laravel specific MVC implementation (Eloquent ORM...) and Blade Template Engine.
I have got strong background in design and architectural patterns and object oriented programming in general.
My front-end experience taught me how to deal with JavaScript concepts (functional programming, inheritance model, Document Object Model ...).
I am working with relational (mySql) databases and non-relational (mongoDB) databases, and I am familiar with graph database concepts (neo4j).
I am agile developer, and I use Domain Driven Design principles in my work (code is result of business) and Test Driven Development for the best software scalability.
My skills stretch far beyond Laravel:
I am familiar with various project management tools like Trello, Jira, Active Collab.
I am highly available, self motivated and honest engineer.