Vuk Mileusnic

Freelance QA/front-end developer
Candidato verificato
Età 37
Località Belgrade, Serbia
Stato Available


I graduated from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (direction: information systems and technologies). At the same faculty, I completed my Master studies.
From 2007 to 2018 I worked at Telus a.d. (Telekom Srbija a.d.) as system administrator.
At the same time, I have been dealing with a freelance front-end for many years. I'm familiar with the technologies: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Bootstrap. Also, CMSs: WordPress, CMS MS, Joomla, Drupal.
Since just over a year ago, I started working as a QA engineer with my colleague.
I started in that direction, and I can tell you after more than a year that QA is very interesting and promising when it comes to IT.
I wrote the script using Gherkin syntax using Cucumber. I used completed automation tests or I repaid the existing ones.
My knowledge of QA is still at the initial (2 years experience) level, but I would definitely like to develop in that direction with a good team where I could show my basic knowledge.

Esperienze lavorative


QA Tester Checking new software products, such as those for gaming systems or mobile applications, for defects or issues. QA testers run various tests on software to ensure it meets all standards and guidelines and is ready to be marketed to consumers. They identify issues and run debugging programs as needed. QA testers also generate reports, work with software developers to correct issues, and upgrade databases as required. novembre 2017 - ora (7 anni 4 mesi)

Marcelco Group AG

Frontend Developer Developing web sites. Sites based on financial products and services. For example agosto 2016 - ora (8 anni 7 mesi)

Telekom Srbija (Telus a.d.)

IT administrator Assessment of merit of IT solutions, planning and development, supervision and maintenance of existing applications, Oracle database, maintenance of LAN/WAN network, development of company web-site. settembre 2007 - febbraio 2018 (10 anni 5 mesi)


Web Developer A web designer/developer is responsible for the design, layout and coding of a website. They are involved with the technical and graphical aspects of a website - how the site works and how it looks. They can also be involved with the maintenance and update of an existing site. After establishing the target audience for a website and identifying the type of content it will host, a web designer/developer will: write the programming code, either from scratch or by adapting existing website software and graphics packages to meet business requirements test the website and identify any technical problems upload the site onto a server and register it with different search engines. gennaio 2004 - ora (21 anni 2 mesi)


Information systems and technologies

Faculty of Organizational Sciences - Belgrade 2001 - 2007


Madrelingua o bilingue

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