“Finding a job should not be a job. It should be FAST and EASY. It should be delightful.”
The Future of Work
We believe that a dream job is much easier to find if the physical location is not an obstacle. We launched Anomadic because we wanted to popularize and change the status quo of remote / flexible employment.
Finding a remote job or flexible job should be possible for every person on the planet at any given moment, and above all - it should be fast and easy.
In 2018, this was still a relatively new concept. However, remote jobs are the future of work and we want to partake in creating of this future. Anomadic platform does exactly this - it offers an environment where remote workers can interact with remote companies and fulfill their requirements. At the same time, remote companies can find the best employees for their teams, quickly and efficiently.
At Anomadic, we eat our own dog food. This means that everyone in the company is a remote worker. Our team operates completely remotely. Yes, we have offices, but unless we really need to be there for something specific, we’re not using them. We were born free and free we will work and live!

Anomadic is a platform built to help people to easily find a remote or flexible job, but also to help remote companies to find best employees.

We envision a world in which every person on the planet has found a dream job. We envision a world without the fear of job loss and unemployment stress.
Help Individuals and Companies
The right to work is part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is recognized in international human rights law, where the right to work emphasizes economic, social and cultural development.
However, in every country, people are having issues finding a job they like in their community. Be it because of the lack of demand or they just want to have a different lifestyle - live out of the big cities or to have a different work schedule - it doesn't matter. The fact is that they don't have other options but to settle with something less satisfying.
That's exactly where we want to jump in!
We want to help those people find a job they love and to provide for their families by doing something that fulfills them and that earns them a living wage. They should be able to work remotely or at least to have the ability to choose a time schedule they prefer. That is - to have a better work-life balance.
On the other hand, companies are also having obstacles while finding top talent for their teams. Sometimes they cannot find suitable people close to their headquarters. As business cannot wait, often we’re forced to hire unsuitable candidates just because they live nearby and there’s no one better for the position at the moment.
Here we can also help. We want to provide companies with a talent pool, a database of people from all over the world, where they can find the best remote employees for open positions they have at a given moment. With modern technologies, geography should not be an obstacle for business!

Serve as a Starting Point
Our wish is to serve as a starting point in this process. Our wish is to educate both individuals and companies on how to utilize the remote/flexible work concept and take the best out of it.
In a word - our goal is to fix and improve the process of remote employment.

Stay on Top of the Game
We know that today's trends won't be the trends of tomorrow. That's why our company consists of people who are willing to change, learn, question, and adopt new things.
Make the World a Better Place
Labor rights are a relatively new addition to the modern corpus of human rights. The modern concept of labor rights dates to the 19th century after the creation of labor unions following the industrialization processes.
Every time people get a consensus to change something related to the rights of workers - the economy changes inevitably, which changes the entire civilization. These processes were slower in the past because human society wasn't as connected as it is today. Nowadays, information spreads astonishingly fast. As a result of this - societies are changing faster than ever before.
By changing the work/employment culture and by introducing new concepts of remote jobs, or concepts of flexible jobs - we believe we can improve these social processes and make our beautiful planet an even better place to live.