Born in Belgrade, Serbia. As a scholarship student obtained MSc in International Business Economics at Westminster Business School, London, UK. Professional experience spanning over fifteen years mostly gained in commercial and investment banking and leasing industry:
-Started as a loan officer at ProCredit bank followed by senior positions and experience in the leasing arm of ProCredit Bank (ProCredit Leasing).
-Worked as a Head of Small Business Department at Credit Agricole Bank Serbia and Komercijalna Bank Serbia.
-Worked as an Investment Officer at Finance in Motion, an alternative asset management firm exclusively focused on development finance.
-Worked as a Product Manager in Societe Generale Bank Serbia.
-Currently working for UNOPS as a Consultant for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Business Support Organisations for EU PRO Programme.
Born in Belgrade, Serbia. As a scholarship student obtained MSc in International Business Economics at Westminster Business School, London, UK. Professional experience spanning over fifteen years mostly gained in commercial and investment banking and leasing industry. Recently started a freelancing role as a consultant for SMEs and BSOs.