My name is Vedrana Jerkic. I was born on 13th of April, 1992. in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina. After graduating on Philosophy Faculty, department Teaching study, I started to work in local development agency. My primary task was work on EU ADRION project, in the field of traffic with the aim of promoting active way of transportation in order to decrease CO2 emissions. Work on this project connoted financial and narrative period reports, budget analysis, reallocation if needed, conducting public procurement according to the PRAG and the law on public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Beside my primary task, work in agency also included preparation of project proposals, business plans design and other activities, like presentations, organisation of meeting, seminars etc. During the work in agency, I started my master studies, which I completed in 2020, with a master degree in Information Technologies. Now I am entrepreneur, small business in the field of IT. As an entrepreneur, I worked on many projecst, developing different web applications, designing web sites.