A Full-Stack JavaScript Developer with good knowledge in Front-End Web Development and basic knowledge of Back-End Web Development. At this moment I am open to new jobs opportunities as a Full-Stack JavaScript Developer (MERN Stack). Preferably remote offers. - Front-End: React.js + Redux, JS / ES6 / ES7 / ES8 / jQuery, HTML5 / CSS3 (Flexbox, Grid) / SASS / Bootstrap / Styled-Components / Bulma / MaterializeCSS - Back-End: Node.js / Express.js, MongoDB - Tools: Parcel, Webpack, Gulp, Git / GitHub, Heroku, Firebase, MLab, Gimp, Adobe Photoshop, Inkscape, MS Office - OS: Linux (Ubuntu), Windows - Text-editors: VS Code, Sublime Text, Notepad++, Atom, Brackets