Vladan Sutanovac

Research collaborator
Candidato verificato
Età 34
Località Vienna, Austria
Stato Available


Scientist with a flair for writing

 I draw my experience from a decade long globetrotting across different writing cultures, from scientific to the creative. Drawing from this, in practice I've adopted the approach to writing (translational included) as the correlation of all the various realms of reality. By coupling them to the brain in the right way, they essentially become parts of it. And by extension, when one brain is coupled to another in the right way, it also becomes a part of another person’s brain and mind. And this is where my writing comes in, as the mediator in the coupling of words to your mind, and its translation into compelling and mind-catching content

Esperienze lavorative

SFB991 Collaborative Research Center, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Ph.D Research Fellow Project "Individual Cognition and Public Meaning: Bridging the Gap with Frames" at SFB991 Collaborative Research Center (Düsseldorf, Germany) PI: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vosgerau (SToRE, Faculty of Philosophy) in collaboration with Prof. Michael Tomasello (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig) & Prof. Francois Recanati (Institute Jean Nicod, Paris) aprile 2017 - marzo 2018 (11 mesi)

Faculty of Philosophy, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Assistant Professor Teaching the advanced BA-MA course "Cognitive Perspectives of Language" ottobre 2017 - marzo 2018 (5 mesi)

SFB991 Collaborative Research Center (Düsseldorf, Germany)

External Research Collaborator w. Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vosgerau (SToRE, Faculty of Philosophy) Project: Cognitive-Pragmatic Modeling of Individual-Public Meaning Relation - The Case of Nominalised Abstract Concepts (AMPRA GST awardee) dicembre 2017 - ora (7 anni 3 mesi)

Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurology Department., Clinical Center, Ljubljana

Researcher-intern (post-graduate) Project: EEG-Based Visual Imagery Mediated Emotion Recognition Responsibilities: experiment design, participant recruitment, EEG recording, data analysis, statistical & neurophysiological modeling Supervisors: Prof. Zvezdan Pirtošek, MD, Ph.D & Dr. Jurij Dreo ottobre 2015 - luglio 2016 (9 mesi)

University of Vienna, Dept. of English and American Studies

Teaching Assistant Teaching the MA seminar "Intercultural Communication" marzo 2014 - agosto 2014 (5 mesi)

Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence - OFAI

Researcher-intern (post-graduate) Standalone project: Natural Semantic Metalanguage Framework (NSM): Novel Approach to Computational Modeling of Cognition and Emotions Responsibilities: study design, participant recruitment, data analysis, statistical & computational-conceptual modeling Supervisor: Univ.-Lektor, Dipl.-Ing., Dr., Paolo Petta ottobre 2014 - luglio 2015 (9 mesi)

MEi:CogSci, Faculty of Philosophy and Cognitive Science Research Platform, University of Vienna

Teaching Assistant Teaching the MSc course "Basic Concepts of Cognitive Science: Foundations, Models, and Paradigms in Cognitive Science" ottobre 2014 - agosto 2015 (10 mesi)

mooponto - web magazine devoted to Japanese minimalist architecture

magazine editor and article writer & article curator [story] we started this project in spring of 2012 after identifying a gap in online architecture media that no serious anglophone website strictly devoted to Japanese minimalist architecture was out there. in the meantime, mooponto is quickly becoming one of the most referenced online sources in the field of Japanese architecture. we concentrate on Japanese minimalist architecture projects built in Japan or architecture built elsewhere by Japan-based architectural offices and architects. [mission] our goal is to bring the amazing philosophy and design ideas behind Japanese minimalist architecture closer to wider audiences beside architects and designers, and by doing so to create the largest online project-based archives for Japanese architecture for which we have the deepest respect and admiration. https://www.mooponto.com/about/ less marzo 2013 - ora (12 anni )

MEi:CogSci, Faculty of Philosophy & Cognitive Science Research Platform, Vienna

Teaching Assistant Teaching the advanced MSc seminar "Master Thesis Seminar in Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science and Knowledge Technologies" marzo 2013 - agosto 2013 (5 mesi)

JEKON - Linguistic Communication & Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, University of Zagreb

Researcher (post-graduate) Project: Neural Foundations of Multimodal Information Processing - Introductory EEG Study Responsibilities: experiment design, participant recruitment, measurement, data analysis, statistical & neurophysiological modeling Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sc Melita Kovacevic & Prof. Dr. Marijan Palmovic ottobre 2013 - luglio 2014 (9 mesi)

MEi:CogSci and Cognitive Science Research Platform, Faculty of Philosophy, Vienna

Workshop Instructor Workshop topic/title: Portrait of a (Cognitive) Scientist as an Academic Writer novembre 2013 - gennaio 2014 (2 mesi)


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.),

University of Vienna, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies The goal of my PhD is to deepen the understanding of the causal relationship between culture, situated cognition and language-in-use, by investigating how cultural background/situational context affect brain plasticity and, in turn, shape our daily cognition and communicative interaction (i.e. daily language use). 2013 - 2019

MSc Cognitive Science (Middle-European Master Program in Cognitive Science (MEi:CogSci))

University of Vienna, Faculty of Philosophy & Cognitive Science Research Platform Vienna Thesis: EEG-based Emotion Recognition: Frontal EEG-Asymmetry as a Moderator and Mediator of Emotions, and a Pre-Screening Method for Emotional Disorders 2012 - 2017

Mag. Phil, Applied Anglistic Linguistics

University of Vienna Areas of specialisation: - English for Specific Purposes (ESP) - English for Academic Purposes (EAP) - English in a Professional Context (EPCO) 2013 - 2014

MA English Language and Literature

University of Nis, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia Thesis 1: Contemporary Literary Criticism and Shakespeareology Thesis 2: Phonetics and Psycholinguistics 2003 - 2008


Cognitive-Pragmatic Modeling of Individual-Public Meaning Relation: The Case of Nominalised Abstract Concepts

2018 4th International Conference of AMPRA, SUNY at Albany, N.Y., USA, 1-3 Nov 2018. (GSt Award Paper) in preparation for the "New Waves in Pragmatics" book to be published by Routledge

Natural Semantic Metalanguage Framework (NSM): A Novel Approach to Computational Modeling of Cognition and Emotions

2015 Proceedings of the MEi:CogSci Conference, Slovenian society for cognitive science and Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, 18-20 June 2015

Neural Foundations of PILL (Multimodal Information-Processing Model): EEG Study

2015 proceedings of the 5th Neuroscience Vienna Network Meeting (Neuronet), Department of Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria, 26 May 2015.

The Role of Pre-linguistic Intentionality and Implicit Context in Felicity of Apologetic Speech Acts: Inter-cultural Study

2015 Proceedings of the Conference "14th IPrA International Pragmatics Conference", University of Antwerp, Belgium, 26-31July 2015.

Cultural and Contextual Determination of Speech Acts: The Case of Apologies

2014 Invited talk given at and paper published for the 2nd International Conference of American Pragmatics Association, UCLA, Dept. of Applied Linguistics. Los Angeles, USA,17-19 October 2014

Semantics of Contemporary Linguistics: From Solitary to a Heterofonic Narrative

2014 Keynote-address paper published in the Journal of Ukrainian Ministry of Education & Science.

Vistas of Cultural & Contextual Determination of Language Formulas: Anatomy of Speech Acts

2014 Wiener Linguistische Gazette. Special Issue 78A, pp.34-45. Institut fur Sprachwissenschaft. Wien.

Novel Framework for Investigating Learning Preferences and Personality Traits: The Augmented VAK

2013 Proceedings of the Conference" 16 th International Multiconference Information Society", University of Ljubljana, Institute Jozef Stefan, Slovenia, 7-11 October 2013.

Prologue: Language as the Educator of Communicative Senses

2013 Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes 1(1):1-1.

The Acculturation of Languag[e] for Specific Purposes: ESP as Culture Specific Language

2013 Proceedings of the Conference The 19th European Symposium on Languages for Special Purposes", University of Vienna, Centre for Translation Studies, Austria, 8-10 July 2013.


CRC991 Integrated Research Training Program, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
Keep your talk fresh. Storytelling techniques for scientific presentation.
Institut für Sprache und Information, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
Deep Learning for Machine Translation
CRC991 Integrated Research Training Program, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
Experimental Methods
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Writing and Publishing a Paper in Humanities and Social Sciences
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
SPSS - Advanced Course
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Publication Strategies
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Academic Writing in English
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
SPSS - Introduction
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Introduction to Reference Management and Knowledge Organization
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Expose and Outline Writing
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Scientific Communication
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Copyright and Plagiarism
Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
Open Access Publishing. The New Art of Publishing


Madrelingua o bilingue
Madrelingua o bilingue
Madrelingua o bilingue


American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA)
2018 Award given to graduate students for the currently most original and innovative contribution to contemporary pragmatics. Awarded project: Cognitive-Pragmatic Modeling of Individual-Public Meaning Relation: The Case of Nominalised Abstract Concepts Link: https://www.albany.edu/ampra/graduate-student-travel-awards.php
DFG (German Research Foundation) Research Fellowship
2017 9-month Ph.D Fellowship Awarded by: DFG (German Research Foundation) & Collaborative Research Center SFB991 Project: D02: Individual Psychology and Public Meaning - Bridging the Gap with Frames PI: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vosgerau (SToRE, Faculty of Philosophy) in collaboration with Prof. Michael Tomasello (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig) Prof. Francois Recanati (Institute Jean Nicod, Paris)
CEEPUS Research Grant
2015 1-year research excellence grant (2015-2016) project: EEG-Based Visual Imagery Mediated Emotion Recognition at Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurology Dept., Univ. Ljubljana, Supervisors: Prof. Zvezdan Pirtošek, MD, Ph.D & Dr. Jurij Dreo
Research Excellence Award for Promoting PhD Research Abroad
2014 Research Excellence Award for Promoting PhD Research Abroad Awarded by: Center for Doc Students, Univ. of Vienna
Research Excellence Award for Promoting PhD Research Abroad
2013 Research Excellence Award for Promoting PhD Research Abroad awarded by the Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna
ERASMUS Research Grant
2013 1-year research grant (2013-2014) financed project: Neural Foundations of Multimodal Information Processing: Introductory EEG Study at JEKON Linguistic Communication & Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, University of Zagreb Supervisors: Prof.Dr.Sc Melita Kovacevic & Prof. Dr. Marijan Palmovic

I profili sui Social Media


  • philosophy of architecture
  • non-fiction and fiction writing
  • theatrology
  • cross-cultural ethnography
  • intercultural communication research
  • creative writing
  • blending science with multimedia