About Us:
At Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT), we're unlocking the power of educator-created content. TpT gives educators access to a trusted, one-of-a-kind community. We are the world's first marketplace of our kind and founded by a teacher, for teachers as the go-to platform for teacher-created content for nearly 15 years. We are currently serving more than 7.5 million users and more than 85% of U.S. teachers. TpT is focused on building the next generation of e-learning experiences for millions of students and teachers across the world. If you haven't heard of TpT yet and want to learn more, just ask any teacher!
Who we are looking for:
We’re a team of good people doing great things. We listen first. We love our work. And we are all teachers and learners in whatever we do. We believe that productivity is never an accident. It’s the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, passionate teamwork, and focused effort. We want every day to be fun and to matter.
The Developer Tools Team:
The Developer Tools team at TpT is focused on enabling our engineers to develop and ship products quickly and reliably so they can meet the needs of our TpT community. As a part of this team you will build tools and provide solutions to continuously improve the developer experience at TpT including working on continuous integration & continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, internal CLI tooling, testing infrastructure, and development environments. The team is always on the hunt for improvements to our developers’ workflows, and members of the team are in constant communication with the rest of the engineering organization.
As a senior software engineer on the Developer Tools team, you will lead major projects and initiatives that improve our ability to deliver iterative value to our users. In addition to being a prolific contributor yourself, you will spend time unblocking and upleveling our engineering teams through mentorship and pairing. You’ll also work with the team to propose and champion improvements to our software development life cycle that save time and raise the bar for technical quality. Finally, you’ll be expected to experiment with tools and technologies that impact our ability to develop, test, and deploy.
Qualities for a successful candidate:
Benefits & Perks:
At TpT, we believe the positive experience of employees is essential to growth, both individually and collectively. To achieve our mission of ‘Empowering Educators to Teach at Their Best,’ we must also empower the members of our TpT Team to work at their best. To that end, two of our core company values are “We Learn and Grow Together” and “We Enjoy the Journey.” We’ve committed to these values and to our employees through investing in added benefits and perks:
Here at TpT we value Diversity & Inclusion and encourage people to bring their most authentic selves to work. We cultivate an environment where people are recognized and celebrated for their individuality.
Any TpT applicant who requires reasonable accommodations during the interview process should contact the TpT People Ops Team ([email protected]) to make the need for an accommodation known.
Finally, if you’re a California resident, California law requires that we provide you notice about the collection and use of your personal information. We encourage you to read it carefully. You can find our full notice here.
Ringraziamo tutti i candidati per l'interesse dimostrato nei confronti della nostra azienda, ma solamente i candidati selezionati saranno contattati.
Job Link Candidati per il lavoro